
Kisah Si Burung Layang2

Here the swallow's the other half (wife) is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road

He brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion..
He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead. He tried to move her......a rarely-seen effort for swallows!

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never be with him again, sadness filled his eyes and sorrow felt in his spirit.

He stood beside her as his heart weeps for his only love .

Finally aware that she would never return to him, he stood beside her body with untold pain and despair....

Aduh kasihan...biarpun hanya seekor burung..mungkin kita tak pernah terlintas dalam benak fikiran kita..yang mereka juga mempunyai perasaan dan belas kasihan..foto ini telah diambil oleh seorang fotografer dari eropah..dan kisah ini mendapat tempat di sana...apa-apa pun kisah burung ini telah mengetuk hati ini dan menginsafkan..betapa indahnya kisah ini walau mereka tak sehebat Manusia..kadangkala manusia pun tak mampu sehebat ini...kisah..penzaliman zionis tak sehebat burung ini walaupun mereka mempunyai akal fikiran yang cukup hebat dan cukup bijak... ermmm ....

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